At Phone Card Selector we take the greatest precautions when it comes to handling our customer information for both online and offline transactions.
We never transmit your credit card number over the Internet unsecured and we do not sell our customer names or email addresses to third parties. We use SSL encryption, the best security available on the Internet. You should see a little padlock (usually at on the bottom of your screen) when you enter your details. This means that you have entered a secured zone and everything transmitted is encrypted and secured.
Here is an excerpt from C|net:
“Consumers don’t really believe it yet, but experts say e-commerce transactions are safer than ordinary credit card purchases. Every time you pay with a credit card at a store, in a restaurant, or over an 800 number–and every time you throw away a credit card receipt–you make yourself vulnerable to fraud. But in version 2.0 (or later) of Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer, transactions can be encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), a protocol that creates a secure connection to the server, protecting the information as it travels over the Internet. SSL uses public key encryption, one of the strongest encryption methods around. In Navigator, you can tell that you’re in the secure mode when an unbroken key appears on the bottom left corner of your browser window. Internet Explorer displays a padlock on the bottom right of the screen. Another way to tell that a Web site is secured by SSL is when the URL begins with https: instead of http: No e-commerce system can guarantee 100-percent protection for your credit card, but you’re less likely to get your pocket picked online than in a real store.”
It is more likely that stolen credit card details, obtained fraudulently, are used to try and purchase cards from our web site. We operate a ‘zero’ tolerance policy for unauthorized use of credit cards and will pass browser id’s, IP addresses and “call to” numbers on phone cards to the relevant authorities in ALL such circumstances. All IP addresses are logged when an online order is placed and we have been successful in two out of two prosecutions to date.
Because of these attempts, we need to send your first order to you by post. This will be done within 24 hours of the receipt of your order. Subsequent orders which are made 14 days after your first order will be sent to you by email. We identify orders by your email address so please try to use the same email address for subsequent orders if you would like us to email your PIN to you. We may also call you to confirm orders.